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14 juli 2006

Shuffle (från Felicia)

1. How does the world see me?
Joseph Arthur – Honey and the Moon

2. Will I have a happy life?
A Smile and A Ribbon – Book Cover

3. What do people really think of me?
Name Taken – The Safety of Routine

4. Do people secretly lust after me?
Dashboard Confessional – The Bitter Pill

5. How can I make myself happy?
Laleh – Kom Tilda

6. What should I do with my life?
Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved

7. Will I ever have children?
Aretha Franklin - My Guy

8. What is some good advice for me?
Silverchair - Stoned

9. What do I think my current theme song is?
Badly Dawn Boy – You Were Right

10. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Foo Fighters – Come Back

11. What song will play at my funeral?
The Mustonens – A Festival is Here

12. What type of men/women do you like?
The All-American Rejects – Swing, Swing

13. What is my day going to be like?
Eskobar – Move On

14. Why am I here?
Badly Drawn Boy – Another Devil Dies

15. What will people remember me for?
The Shins – The Past and Pending

16. What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Eskobar – Real Life

17. Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Havergal – New Innocent Tyro Allegory

18. What will this year be all about?
Van Morrison - High Summer

Min nya spellista.

2 Kärleksbrev:

15 juli, 2006 17:37 skrev Blogger Kalle Brage...

Jag fattar inte!

22 juli, 2006 16:56 skrev Blogger Tove...

Man shufflar alla sina latar i itunes, och de som kommer upp blir det. som magic 8-ball, men med fler toner.


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